Graduating from high school is an exciting time in the life of any child, and he or she will likely plan to attend the school's graduation ceremony. Such events typically involve dressing formally, but it's possible that your teen may not have a suit for the occasion. Instead of buying your son a suit, think about renting one instead. Whether you rent a tuxedo, a traditional suit, or something a little different, this can be a smart decision for a number of reasons. Here's why it's a good decision to rent a suit for your son's high school graduation.
He's Still Growing
Buying formalwear for teenage boys can often be a poor decision, especially when renting is available to you. Your son is likely still growing, which means that he may quickly grow out of the suit — perhaps even before wearing it a second time. Suits are expensive to buy, and you'll be wasting money to buy a suit that your teen will likely only wear minimally. When you choose to rent instead, you can be happy that the suit will fit your teen on his graduation, and you won't have to worry about his outgrowing it.
He May Not Have Other Opportunities To Wear It
Many teenage boys don't wear suits very often. If your son is off to college, he probably won't have a reason to wear a suit again for a while — perhaps not until he graduates from college. He may still be young enough that he's not attending weddings, either. Your son's rate of physical growth aside, there's little reason to buy a garment that he will not wear regularly. Suit styles change quickly, and what is stylish now may not be overly hip the next time that he needs to don the suit.
He May Want A Unique Style
A lot of teen boys who graduate from high school look for unique styles with their suits. Perhaps they're looking for a laugh from their peers or their teachers, or maybe they want to be memorable in the photos that will be taken at the graduation. Whatever the case, the suit that your teen wants may be of a style that he won't want to wear again. You don't want to buy a garment that is more of a novelty than anything, but you might not mind renting a suit that falls into this category.
For more information on suit rentals, contact a company like Formal Affairs
Share12 June 2019
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