What Makes A Good T-Shirt? Characteristics You Should Look For In Comfort And Style


Clothing choices tend to be personal. You generally wear what you like, what is comfortable, and what fits well. Only for work or special occasions do you choose clothing items that may not be quite your style or your chosen level of comfort. Take the ordinary t-shirt. There are thousands of t-shirts you can buy, but what do you usually look for? If you are randomly selecting t-shirts, you might not be getting what you really like, and just settling because, hey, it is a t-shirt. Do not do that. Instead, there are characteristics you should look for in comfort and style when it comes to your t-shirts. 

Softness... So, So Soft

T-shirts are the epitome of relaxed comfort. You throw on a t-shirt just to be comfortable and reasonably dressed. You can lounge in a t-shirt, do yard work in a t-shirt, run errands in a t-shirt, and even go to the gym in a t-shirt. All that time, you should be wearing something that feels really good on your skin. T-shirts should be very soft and have plenty of give. They should move with your body without restraint and not feel like sandpaper rubbing on your stomach, arms, or chest. A men's ultra-soft flowy tee meets a lot of those softness characteristics. 

Baggy or Draped

Yes, you have probably seen those t-shirts out there that are skin-tight. They tend to make the ordinary person look like sausage filling squeezed into sausage casing. The sight of people wearing them can make anyone else uncomfortable and make them want to tug at their own shirts. Those t-shirts are meant for rock-hard gym bodies, not for everyone else. They are not made to be comfortable; they are made to flaunt someone's assets.

What you should be looking for (even if you have a six-pack going yourself) is a t-shirt that is baggy or drapes a little. T-shirts should never constrict you or your movement, and a t-shirt that is a little baggy or draped when you wear it is ideal. If you do have a bod you want to flaunt, just buy a comfortable tee that is one size smaller than what you usually wear, but still flows around your arms and torso. 

Colors That Flatter

Snow-white t-shirts only look good against dark or tanned skin. They are the most striking this way. As for all other skin tones, choose more flattering colors. Some guys look great in blue or green, while others look completely washed out and exhausted in red. Colors that complement your eyes and skin tone work best. If you are not sure, ask a salesperson what colors they think will look best on you, and buy a soft, draping, flattering tee in each of those colors. 


3 January 2020

brand name clothes on an off-brand budget

Do you love wearing brand name clothes but don't have the clothing budget for them? Have you ever thought about buying your brand name clothes online or through consignment shops and sales? This blog is all about saving money on brand name clothes. You will find tips for finding the styles and brands that you want without cutting into your grocery budget for the month. It is my hope that my frugal living will help you create the looks and styles that you want even on your tight budget. Hopefully, you have as much fun reading through the tips here as I did putting them all together for you.