Hiding Excess Weight When Going To A Class Reunion


If you have gained weight in the past few years, and you are going to be going to a class reunion in the near future, you are most likely concerned about what your former classmates will think when they see you in person. Hiding excess weight is an option to aid in boosting your self-esteem for this type of event. Here are a few tricks you can try to help in keeping your appearance slim when you meet up with those you haven't seen for years.

9 July 2017

Why Runners Should Consider Wearing Compression Socks During & After Workouts


As a runner, you put a lot of strain on your body. While exercise is good for you, mile after mile of pounding on hard surfaces can take its toll on your legs and feet. So, it's important to take some steps to keep your body healthy and happy and to prevent injuries. One small but effective step you can take is to wear compression socks before and after your run.

12 April 2017

Tips For Wearing Western Clothing In The Workplace


If you own an awesome pair of cowboy boots or a bolo tie, you might wonder if it is appropriate to wear these garments in the workplace. The good news is that if you accessorize and style these items correctly, it is quite easy to get away with wearing western clothing in the workplace and still be considered professional-looking. Here are some tips for doing so. 1. Stick to Khakis and Jeans for Cowboy Boots

6 April 2017

Want To Pack Light For Your Tropical Vacation? The Best Universal Pieces For Women


If you are going on a tropical vacation and you don't want to pack a lot of clothes, but you still need to have a log of options, there are some outfits and style choices you want to consider. You want to get items that you can wear more than one time, and that you can use accessories to change the looks. Here are some of the items that you want to buy and pack for the trip.

21 March 2017

Three Tips For Caring For High-Quality Clothing Items


Your collection of clothing items is a major investment that will require some basic care so that they do not experience too much wear and tear to use. In order to minimize the damage that your clothing suffers over the course of time, you should always follow several tips that will keep your wardrobe looking impeccable. Use Cold Water When Washing It may not seem like the temperature of the water that you are using to wash your clothes matters very much, but it can be a major source of wear and tear on the clothing items.

19 March 2017

How To Give Your Little Girl A Boutique-Inspired Wardrobe


Boutique clothing items are known for their durability, fine craftsmanship, luxurious fabrics and attention to detail. Due to the high quality of the pieces, some boutique clothing lines may also have hefty price tags. The good news is that you can give your little girl a boutique-inspired look for less with a little fashion savvy. While you may want a few high-end boutique items in your daughter's closet for special events, such as Easter, Christmas and birthday parties, you can supplement her wardrobe with less-expensive, ye still adorable, pieces for play and everyday wear.

10 March 2017

Tips For An Enjoyable Clubbing Experience


Spending a night out dancing at night clubs and hanging out with friends can be a great way to relax and unwind. But you don't want to approach a night out at the clubs the same way you would if you were going out to dinner and a movie. Use the following tips to ensure that you have a great clubbing experience: Have a Plan Before heading out for the night, it is a good idea for you and your friends to have a plan and know where you want to go.

3 March 2017